Wednesday, April 29, 2009

F.T.P. ?

I heard about this the other morning while driving back to school.

The video is more frightening than I thought it would be.

This just goes to show that just because we are a democracy and have a 'stable government' doesn't mean the people in charge can be trusted all the time.

This article/video is from after a concert involving bands such as We The Kings and Forever The Sickest Kids.

Suffice it to say, this is pure prosecution without justification.

The lady at the end of the video is the final kicker... she's more worried about people standing on the street outside her apartment (to document the brutality so they can back up their pending complaints to the city with physical evidence such as this video) than the fact that people are getting the crap beat out of them for no reason by the Philadelphia police.

What is this horrible world coming to?

When In Paris...

These are just a few shots from Paris today.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Frailty, Thy Name Is Woman.

This makes my soul smile.

Every day should be 'Talk Like Shakespeare Day".

CG...I'm talking to you.

New Definition of Stupid.

This is shear stupidity.

Sometimes, I wonder what people are thinking when they attempt records like these.

And then I wonder where they get all the free time to just text away.

If you spend all your time texting, how do you have time to do anything worth texting about?

Gah.  Stupid people...

Monday, April 20, 2009

Statements on Art

    After discovering my love for photography in middle school, I have aspired to do something important with it.  Working with people to preserve their memories, and create a few of my own along the way, is a large contributer to my success as an artist, and as a person.  Mainly, I like to focus on portraiture, but am always looking for outlets to expand my horizons.  My interest in all forms of art including orchestral music, painting, theatre, and films has greatly influenced my style and outlook on life.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Coming Attractions And Days Gone By

Oh goodnes, this weekend went from crap to awesome.

I experienced my first concert by the Dallas Symphony Orchestra.

And, may I say, I am now an addict.

I have always wanted to go, and so this weekend, we saw Saint-Saens Symphony No. 3 for Organ.

Oh my gosh...

I cannot even describe to you the joy that overcame me when Strovinsky and Saint-Saens organ music pulsed through my whole being.

I swear, the woman playing that giant, beautiful pipe organ had 30 fingers.

It was fantasmal.

Yeah, that's right.  

It was so awesome, I had to make a new word for it.

We sat in the Choral Terrace so we could see all of the musicians music and look up behind us to see the woman playing organ.

I loved looking under the keyboard to see the keys moving.

It was like watching Fantasia.

I pictured all the colors of the rainbow.

There was a lot of red. :O)

But that probably will not compare to this coming weekend.

I looked in the program to see that they are playing Mozart's of my favorite classical pieces of all time.

So,  I have convinced my mother that after we finally see the Tut exhibit on Saturday, we should have a nice dinner in Dallas and then enjoy a lovely evening at the symphony.

I am too excited for words.

Jubilant would probably best match my emotion.


Web Map

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Contact Info with About Me Blurb
Albums Page with links to Current and Past Work

Not much, but I suppose it's a start.

Friday, April 17, 2009

When Ya Got Soap, You Can Wash.

The Pond--Moonlight by Edward Steichen was the highest priced photograph ever sold.

Oh the things you learn from Genius of Photography....

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Banging In My White Tea.

Today is April 15th.

Do you know what that means?


Strategically planned on the due date for filing of federal income taxes, thousands of Americans across the United States have been staging modern-day tea parties to protest Obama's stimulus plan.

Many are upset because they don't feel they should be charged with other people's failed business ventures.  This is understandable.  I, myself, do not want to pay the consequences for other people's decisions.  But at the same time, it is sad to see the little 'Mom&Pop' shops go down due to our failing economy.  But change is inevitable, and everything cannot be expected to be bright, cheery and positive all the time.

Also, parents with young children are afraid for their children's financial futures.  Yes, the stimulus seems like a good idea now, but really, what are we doing?  We are just pushing debt back so we don't have to face it and deal with it now.  Some parents even took the day off and checked their children out of school to go protest the stimulus plan holding signs stating 'Keep your hands off my piggy bank'.

These are scary times, but we have gotten through them before i.e. The Great Depression.

Hopefully, the voice of the people will be heard, and these bailouts will be retracted.

Bottom's up, mate.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Jacko Went

Recently, an auction of Michael Jackson's possessions from Neverland Ranch was cancelled.

After a preview of the show had already happened in LA, Jackson's production company sued the auction house to halt the sale.

Auction items included the infamous crystal glove, a golden throne, and the gates of Neverland Ranch themselves.

After the highly publicized child abuse cases Jackson was acquitted in, Jackson was forced to move away from his ranch and sell partial ownership due to financial insufficiencies. 

People are actually sad that they aren't going to be getting a 'piece of Jackson' after all.


Bo Bo



Bo is a 6 month old Portuguese water dog.

Obama was given the dog as a gift from Senator Ted Keneddy, Democrat from Massachusetts.  If you ask me, lil Ted there is fishing for brownie points.

Nevertheless, the Obama girls are over joyed and all is well in the White House (dog-wise at least). 

On a humorous note, it is called a Portuguese WATER DOG.  One of the only comments from the girls was that they were worried about the dog not knowing how to swim.

Do they plan on tossing it in the Reflecting Pool?