Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Banging In My White Tea.

Today is April 15th.

Do you know what that means?


Strategically planned on the due date for filing of federal income taxes, thousands of Americans across the United States have been staging modern-day tea parties to protest Obama's stimulus plan.

Many are upset because they don't feel they should be charged with other people's failed business ventures.  This is understandable.  I, myself, do not want to pay the consequences for other people's decisions.  But at the same time, it is sad to see the little 'Mom&Pop' shops go down due to our failing economy.  But change is inevitable, and everything cannot be expected to be bright, cheery and positive all the time.

Also, parents with young children are afraid for their children's financial futures.  Yes, the stimulus seems like a good idea now, but really, what are we doing?  We are just pushing debt back so we don't have to face it and deal with it now.  Some parents even took the day off and checked their children out of school to go protest the stimulus plan holding signs stating 'Keep your hands off my piggy bank'.

These are scary times, but we have gotten through them before i.e. The Great Depression.

Hopefully, the voice of the people will be heard, and these bailouts will be retracted.

Bottom's up, mate.

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