Saturday, May 9, 2009
Salvador Dali Movie Could Mean Death Sentence For Young Man's Career
Should Rob Pattinson Worry About Bad Reviews?
R.Pattz's acting was awful in Twilight, so I really wonder about Little Ashes. Have you read any reviews? Is it any good at all? Thanks.
—ilariacapasso, via Twitter
Critics remain way underwhelmed by Robert Pattinson's channeling of artist Salvador Dalí in Little Ashes. Call it a lack of—tee hee—sparkle. A few were impressed—the London Daily Express calls Pattinson's take "a spirited performance." But most agree with MTV's Kurt Loder, who says, "As soon as Pattinson steps forth with Dalí's famous up-twirled mustaches pasted to his face, the picture collapses."
Well, meow to you, too.
That isn't necessarily bad news for Pattinson fans, however, especially if you're open to a long-term love affair...
Despite the mixed reviews, veteran casting directors are calling Pattinson's choice in films brilliant, especially if he wants a long career.
"Tween girls buy movie tickets but don't win you Oscars," says casting exec Lisa Hamil, who worked on The Notebook and Alpha Dog as well as the new film One-Eyed Monster. "Hollywood is very quick to typecast, and once that happens, an actor's career can flatline."
Here's where tweenie fans may feel a bit of panic.
"All of us would still attempt to cast him in tween roles, but I'd be shocked (and a little disappointed) if he took another one," Hamil reveals. "It's the same reason Daniel Radcliffe did Equus. These guys are in it for the long haul and have learned this elemental truth: You grow up with your audience."
In other words, once the Twilight franchise wraps, kids, don't look for Pattinson in another teen-candy role. Even vampires need to grow up sometime.
In my opinion, he's giving the people what they want.
The type movies he has been cast in don't require the greatest acting skill because they are just personifying stories people already know...all people want is a pretty face to look at.
Apparently, his face is pretty enough for two HUGE series movies.
Sad Day.
Friday, May 8, 2009
A Series Of Unfortunate Events
Students hit by car
By AMBER POMPATwo pedestrians were struck by a car, while trying to use the crosswalk on Culver Street Tuesday.
Around 8:48 p.m., Commerce Police and Fire Departments responded to an auto-pedestrian accident on Culver Street in front of Whitley Hall.
Officers arrived to find that a small four-door car traveling westbound on Culver struck two pedestrians in the crosswalk.
The driver of the vehicle stated he did not see the pedestrians as he approached the crosswalk.
Both pedestrians were transported by ambulance to Hunt Regional Medical Center, though it didn’t appear to first responders that those injuries were life threatening. The driver of the vehicle was not injured.
The pedestrians, as well as the driver of the vehicle are all students at Texas A&M-Commerce.
In response to the accident, university officials will hold a meeting with the Texas Department of Transportation this week regarding the the crosswalk.
David McKenna, A&M-C executive director of facilities and support services, said safety at the crosswalks on Highway 50 and Culver have "always been a concern of the university and, over the past few years, steps to improve the warning lights and crosswalks lighting have been taken."
"We continue to look at ways to improve the crosswalk notification system, and to that end, a meeting with TXDOT will be held this week to discuss additional enhancements," McKenna said.
The City of Commerce and TXDOT share control of Culver Street because it is a city street and a state highway, he said. "The City of Commerce has always supported our safety efforts there," McKenna said.
One of the guys was Josh from our class *if my information is correct*
Last I knew he was still in the hospital.
I almost hit him earlier that night, too...
There are no words...
FORT WORTH -- Whatever happened to spoiling your grandchildren with cookies?
A gun-toting granny clad in pajamas and house shoes robbed an east Fort Worth convenience store early Thursday, telling the clerk, “I am doing this for my grandkids.”
The robbery occurred about 3:45 a.m. at the RaceTrac convenience store at 1840 Eastchase Parkway.
According to a police report, the woman entered the store, grabbed an orange drink, then told the clerk she needed two cartons of Newport cigarettes and two cigarillos.
The clerk said when he turned around from retrieving her items, the woman pulled a handgun from beneath her pajama top and ordered him to open the main register. She threatened to shoot the clerk if he did not comply, warning “this gun has a hairline trigger.”
The woman fled with the money, cigarettes, and cigarillos. She is described as black with a light complexion, 40 to 50 years of age, 5-foot-6 to 5-foot-8-inches tall, 160 to 190 pounds. Anyone with information about her identity is asked to call the robbery unit at 817-392-4370.
It Was Just One Of Those Days
Car plows through Commerce store
By DANIEL WALKERA trip to pick up a pizza ended with a car plowing through the front of the Liberty Bonds next to Pizza Hut on Live Oak Street Wednesday night.
Loyd Field said that he was coming to pick up a pizza at about 7:40 p.m. when the accelerator stuck on his Mercury Grand Marquis. “It just wouldn’t stop,” Field said. “The tires were still spinning when the car stopped in the building. I was able to put it in reverse and back out, and then stop.”
Commerce fire chief Brian McNevin said fortunately no one was injured despite the accident occurring in a strip mall with two crowded restaurants. “The car went into a vacant business, between the two restaurants — Subway and Pizza Hut,” McNevin said. “It looks like the accelerator stuck and he couldn’t get it to stop.”
The car and the building suffered extensive damage.
After the accident, firefighters loaded Field’s groceries in their fire engine and then transported Field, his pizza, and the groceries home.
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
F.T.P. ?
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Frailty, Thy Name Is Woman.
New Definition of Stupid.
Monday, April 20, 2009
Statements on Art
After discovering my love for photography in middle school, I have aspired to do something important with it. Working with people to preserve their memories, and create a few of my own along the way, is a large contributer to my success as an artist, and as a person. Mainly, I like to focus on portraiture, but am always looking for outlets to expand my horizons. My interest in all forms of art including orchestral music, painting, theatre, and films has greatly influenced my style and outlook on life.
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Coming Attractions And Days Gone By
Web Map
Friday, April 17, 2009
When Ya Got Soap, You Can Wash.
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Banging In My White Tea.
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Jacko Went
Bo Bo
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Amadeus. Not Falco.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Gather Your Courage...
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Time To Pretend...
In a Photograph, you cannot peel back the shades of gray; below the emulsion is whiteness: the alchemy is in the coating.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009
ATLANTIS!!!!!! Or not...
Monday, February 23, 2009
My Random Musings
- My favorite color is crimson.
- I am currently sitting under my friends' bed.
- Sometimes I wonder what I would have been doing right now if I hadn't have quit band at the end of 10th grade.
- I am terrified of people I don't know.
- For lent, I am attempting to give up stress. (Can you really give up an emotion? We'll see...)
- I adore spontaneity.
- My goal in life is to make a difference.
- I don't care if I'm ever famous, I just want to be remembered for something. (Other than my laugh.)
- I hate people touching my feet/making me touch their feet.
- I may act goofy a lot and say stupid things, but I really invest a lot of thought into my friendships and look for opportunities to better them.
- I look forward to Saturdays at midnight so I can see the new PostSecrets for the week.
- I have 2 pet turtles named Vincent and Theo.
- I also have a cat named Nermal. (The cousin from Garfield. Anyone who knew that before I specified wins brownie points with me.)
- Nobody loves Peanuts comics more than I do.
- Music is the air I breathe.
- Even though I never feel like I set a good example, I love God with all my heart and hope that I have helped others realize their love for him as well.
- On that note, at one point in my life, I almost felt lead to be a youth minister.
- I can only eat one food at a time. No mixing of tastes!
- I never do anything with my hair, but I am still obsessed with it.
- I am ecstatic that Slumdog Millionaire and Kate Winslet got what they deserved at the Oscars.
- I don't think it's possible for me to name my favorite movie.
- I want to sneeze with my eyes open one day to prove everyone wrong.
- A lot of Vaughns' weird outbursts make me feel better because now I know someone else has thought my thoughts.
- I got 45 stitches when I was in the 3rd grade.
- I HATE knowing change is coming, but most times, once it has happened, I'm okay with it.
- My favorite word is conundrum and I get really excited when I find opportunities to use it in everyday conversations.
- When high school was over, one of my saddest realizations was that I wouldn't really have anymore opportunities to wear fancy dresses.
- When I am done eating and have leftover food on my plate, I make sculptures out of it so I will be less tempted to eat the rest of it later.
- I hate Texas. It's big. Ugly. And hot.
- If I could live in my shower, I probably would.
- My closet is categorized by type of clothing and then sorted in color order. (Most of the time.)
- I came to Commerce because of my 10th grade photo teacher Mr. Hale. (I didn't even apply anywhere else.)
- If I hadn't have come here, I would have loved to go to SCAD or CalArts or FIDM. Dream big, right?
- I went to Mexico for an hour and bought a lamp.
- My family and I walked out to Ellis Island to find that the last ferry had left just minutes before. I then threw a snowball at my dad's head and he yelled at me. My mom and I laughed.
- When I was 15, I was driving around Memphis and was about 8 seconds from being plowed over by a train. We ate an entire bag of Reese's Pieces in celebration of our continuance of life.
- I could probably hang out with Demetri Martin for the rest of my life and be okay with it.
- When I am driving around listening to music, I pretend like whatever I see out of the window is the music video. Sometimes it's amazing how well they go together.
- I eat peanut butter with a spoon.
- I suffer from a severe case of dry-wit/ sarcasm.
- I think it's weird that I am at the age when my friends are starting to get married and have kids.
- There is something about the number 42. I'm pretty sure it follows me around.
- I like playing games like soccer and racquetball but if I am exercising for the pure sake of exercising, I would rather shoot myself.
- I wish I was born in the late 40's or 50's so I could have my prime years during the hippie movement.
- I want to be friends with people I think look interesting. I never have the courage to talk to them though.
- I love chocolate and bread in a bad way. You can't tell, can you?
- After seeing Across the Universe with my friend, we attempted to steel a shopping cart but didn't succeed because it wouldn't fit in the back seat of my car.
- My favorite food in the world is quiche.
- I can't decide if I am like everyone else or if I am just so different that I blend in with everyone else who is 'different'.
- I was a crayon for halloween one year. (Purple or blue...I don't remember.)
- I have absolutely no arch whatsoever.
- My favorite show in the world is Boy Meets World.
- Now that I think about it, most of the shows I like to watch were on in the 90's.
- A lot of people think I do drugs. This is a falsehood.
- Before I die, I WILL attend an indie film festival. Preferably Sundance.
- My dreams are either super realistic or super out there.
- Any time someone says a number, you can bet I am trying to divide it by 2 as many times as I can in my head. It's a tick.
- I love the 4th of July because of the fireworks.
- I'm accident prone/ attractive to bad luck.
- I only want to go to France to visit the Louvre and the catacombs.
- It wouldn't hurt my feelings to study abroad in Italy or England for a semester.
- My current favorite bands are tied between Bishop Allen, Idlewild, The Strokes, Eisley, and every song on the Spring Awakening soundtrack.
- Oh, speaking of that, I hate musicals with the exception of musicals about musicals with the exception of High School Musicals.
- I like to think that I have a pretty broad vocabulary.
- If I wasn't going to be a photographer, I would either like to have been a model builder for movies or an English teacher.
- I am attracted to crazy people i.e. Vincent Van Gogh, Edgar Allen Poe, Emily Dickinson, etc...
- I have a deep-seated love for trees. I don't think God made much else more beautiful.
- The only sport I ever really played was soccer. I wasn't very good, but I liked it anyway.
- At my first home game, I was marching backwards and fell flat on my butt. Fantastic!
- I'm not short. I'm fun size.
- I'm a totally different person once you get to know me.
- I'm proud to be from Mississippi, but you couldn't pay me to move back there. Everything has just gone way down hill.
- My birthday is 9/11, and I get really tired of people feeling sorry for me about it. I feel terrible for what happened and all the families that lost loved ones, but I can't ever have a normal birthday again because people are always feeling down in the dumps on that day.
- My grandpa's birthday is the day after mine.
- I am a firm believer that God gives us road signs to direct us where we need to go in life.
- As a family tradition, my mom and I always watch Sleepless in Seattle while wrapping Christmas presents. My dad and I always watch The Grinch and Charlie Brown Christmas. It's probably one of my favorite past-times.
- I wish I was more interesting.
- I had a lisp until like 2nd or 3rd grade. I still have to think about how I say stuff sometimes. (I should probably never read this sentence out loud.)
- I hate disappointing people.
- I barely ever paint my finger nails but my toe nails are almost always colorful.
- My legs remind me of a short, inverted Mrs. Bellum from the Power Puff Girls.
- For most of my high school career, I grew my hair out long in an effort to look more like Topanga on Boy Meets World.
- I have double jointed toes and fingers.
- I can't whistle.
- I am never tan. I go from liquid paper to red back to liquid paper with more freckles.
- It makes me really mad when people don't follow through on their promises/ obligations.
- I am terrified that I am going to be an old cat lady.
- I'm all for saving the planet, but I hate that it has become a fad that people are only profiting from the merchandise sales with.
- I used to be convinced that Chester the Cheetah was a tiger and called Cheetos Tiger Chips.
- When I was young, I would go into my back yard and gather all the empty terra cotta pots and put berries and leaves in them and mush them together to pretend I was Pocahontas.
- Both of my parents are teachers.
- I'm pretty sure my dad came out of the womb reading a book.
- I love saying inside jokes around people so they wonder about what is going on.
- When I was a junior, I was tackled at a football game in front of both teams bands, cheerleaders, drill teams, and our school rowdy crowd. It was the talk of the school for the next week.
- I was runner up for Most Humorous. I lost to a girl who apparently was neither funny nor popular. Her mom was a teacher in charge of the polling.
- I had a scottish terrier when I was young. I named her Pertie because I thought she was a dalmatian. She barked at water and our next door neighbor was a gardener. There was much cussing.
- My parents let me name our first beta fish. I called it Soda. In later years, we would come to have an aquarium of fish named after the cast of Star Trek.
- I try to find God in most of my pictures.
- One day I will compile a soundtrack to my life.
- I have cute pinky fingers.